Ep 40: The Time to Fight Has Come!
Naruto Shippuuden Special of Fate (Part 1)

Naruto becomes angry and turns foxlike at Orochimaru's words and orders him to give Sasuke back. The orange chakra flows around him. Kabuto tells him Sasuke came to them of his own free will and he should just accept it. Oro tells him he has to force it out of him. Naruto suddenly attacks Oro but he and Kabuto leap out of the way. The bridge rocks precariously. Naruto has one tail at this point.

Yamato flashbacks to his discussion with Kakashi and Jiraiya when Jiraiya talks about how he was almost killed when Naruto had four tails which is triggered by anger. Naruto can only maintain control up to three tails. The demon's cloak causes damage to his body.

Kabuto comments that Naruto's Jinchuuriki power has grown. Oro hides in the forest nearby.

Break: Naruto first part of password "mo"

Orochimaru approaches the bridge with his face ripped, showing Genyuumaru's true face underneath but with Oro's eyes. He says to Yamato "So that's why they placed you in charge. It seems like my experiments benefited Konoha after all" and calls him his lab rat. Kabuto asks about Yamato. Oro tells them the only ninja in history who could use wood element techniques was the first Hokage, and he could control bijuu like his pets. Oro wanted his power so he stole DNA from his remains and implanted them in 60 children as an experiment. Their bodies rejected the DNA and all died painfully. Then he was forced to leave Konoha. He thought all died, but one actually survived. Oro then remarks how he's interested in pitting his Sasuke against Naruto to see how much he had grown.

Chakra swirls around Naruto and expands. Naruto now has 3 tails. Oro appears before the ninetail fox in some sort of genjutsu. The fox roars and it's back to reality. The chakra has created a crater around Naruto who is still on the bridge and still hasn't moved. Naruto roars again.

End: ANBU special investigative report on Yakushi Kabuto - Oro's right hand man, found by one of Konoha's medical captains after a large battle, who took him back to the village and raised as his son. His level of medical ninjutsu rivals Tsunade in her prime. Originally a spy for Sasori, now he claims sympathy with Oro.

Break: Second keyword given by Sakura who breaks a wall to reveal "ku."


Review: Nothing much happens, just a lot of standing around and flashbacks.

Notes: Yamato inherited the DNA of the first Hokage capable of controlling the Kyuubi, especially since Naruto is wearing the first Hokage's necklace. (There must be some sort of resonance.)

Thoughts: What did Jiraiya do to piss Naruto off so badly that he gets four tails?